Hi, I'm Jules, an Aussie currently serving as Executive Assistant to the Hospital Director onboard the Africa Mercy [Mercy Ships].
Mercy Ships is an international development organisation that deploys hospital ships and volunteers to developing nations – improving the quality of life for people living with the diseases of poverty, disfigurement, and disability, through direct medical services, and building the capacities of healthcare systems to meet the needs of the future [Bringing Hope & Healing – 3 min video]
I grew up in rural Queensland, the second eldest of 4 kids. Volunteering has been in my blood since I was around 17 and so has travelling the world. I strongly believe my calling in life is to volunteer and I have to admit Africa has stolen my heart.
Over the next 12 - 24 months I will be sharing what it's like to live and volunteer on board a hospital ship. I'm preparing myself for lots of tears and hopefully lots of joy, love and laughter to balance it out, but mostly I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute, even in a very small way, to changing people's lives.
I hope you'll come on this journey with me!
Mercy Ships crew are volunteers, who are responsible for all their own living and travel expenses. I plan to chronicle this adventure in weekly/fortnightly….whenever I can manage posts….and any support would be amazing.